We work with our clients to find the proper keywords and locations to target saturation on Google searches. Some if you are an accountant you may want to select Accountant and then your location set by 8 to 10 mile radius. So Accountant + Town/City + State.
Unlike other SEO pages or directories - where you pay to advertise with your competition - there is only 1 business per listing! Yes, you read that correct. No other competition - just you on the site represented as the Best of the Best and top ranked in search engines.
We use YOUR phone number - YOUR email - YOUR website - YOUR brand.
Yes, your page listing is 100% YOURS when you signup. We do not mirror with a different phone number - like other SEO or Marketing agencies. When you sign-up we utilize your info - create a lead form generator that goes directly to your INBOX - no pay per lead!
We are seo experts and develop a unique code for all our clients that focus on your keywords and location to create a synergy with your business and search engines. We stay ahead of the algorithm to ensure top ranked pages.
Looking to CAPTURE a new territory? Looking to gain exposure in a town, county, city or State? Reach out to us fill out the form and we will let you know if your area and business is available. Want to schedule a demo? Click the Demo button and let's schedule a time to chat! We are transparent in our pricing - our pricing is listed below. No hidden fees - No PPC charges - just 1 flat rate!
Social Media is a HUGE arena that alows for key targeted ads to drive leads yo your business. However social media can be a daunting task - especially when you are a small business. If you want to add some Social Media exposure - let us create an ad for you and boost that ad throughout the year via The Best of the Best. This service will be aligned to key demographic that is mapped out via your Best of Best page - so we help build exposure for your business!
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